发布时间:2018-12-26 03:12:12
2018年11月16日,振动与控制研究室邀请日本东北大学建筑与建筑科学系Masanori IZUMI 教授到同济大学访问并做题为“THE PRESENT STATE OF JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING”的报告。
报告内容为:The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 reminds people of the importance of Seismic Engineering, while engineers in Japan have abundant experience in Seismic design. This report will state the present status of Japanese Earthquake engineering. The history of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering will be introduced first. Then, the recent situation of Earthquake Engineering will be divided into several parts to be presented as follow:Remote Sensing、Computer Simulation、Ductile & Strong, Base Isolation, Vibration Control、Tsunami Countermeasure、Wooden Structure、Two Examples. Finally, the future of Structural Engineering will be illustrate.
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